
This Revenge Body Star Gained 38 Pounds of Muscle in 12 Weeks

Eddie explained that he had always been praised for being so slim, and his ex, Eric, also used to tell him that he loved his body. Eddie later found out that Eric had cheated on him, and the couple broke up. Eric then went on to date more muscular, built men, and Eddie said that he began to doubt himself and his body.

While Eddie knew that he needed to increase his caloric intake and beef up his exercise routine in order to be healthier, he was also open about his fear of gaining too much weight . "I'm afraid of not being loved. The only times in my life where I've felt okay and not scared, is when I've been thin," he said.

When Eddie first checked in with the show's personal trainer and lifestyle coach Ashley Borden, she was shocked to learn that while Eddie is about 5'9", he only weighed 118 pounds.

Eddie embarked on a weight gain program with Borden. Even though he admitted that he was "so nervous to fail," he continued working out and eating right, eventually gaining an amazing 38 pounds of muscle, putting him at 156 pounds.


Reinaldo Massengill

Update: 2024-09-30