Pigeon With Puffed Chest and Long Legs Is Being Called Mutant by Horrified People
A recent TikTok video showcasing a peculiar pigeon has left viewers both fascinated and unnerved. The footage captures a bird resembling a lab experiment, with abnormally long legs and a puffed chest. Startlingly, this mutant pigeon stands several inches taller than its conventional counterparts. The bizarre spectacle has garnered widespread attention, captivating people worldwide.
A recent viral video has left users perplexed and intrigued. Filmed in the UK, the video was shared on the @pigeonstv TikTok account, showcasing an extraordinary avian creature. The footage captures an enormous bird with elongated legs, a puffed-up chest, and an overall strange appearance. This ’mutant pigeon’ has taken the internet by storm, captivating users and sparking widespread curiosity.
The footage quickly amassed a staggering 18 million views, along with 42,000 comments and 1.7 million likes.
Contrary to popular belief, the bird is not a mutant but belongs to a specific breed known as the English Pouter pigeon.
This remarkable domesticated breed is indigenous to the UK. Renowned for its remarkably large crop, endlessly long legs, and feathered feet, this breed showcases distinctive traits that captivate enthusiasts. The video showcases the bird gracefully walking along a fence, its chest noticeably puffed out, further emphasizing its majestic presence.
But this isn’t the first time people were caught in disbelief by what they saw. Several plants look like they came from an alien movie. Mother Nature was truly inspired!