
22 Yelp Reviews That Don't Hold Back On Drama

These Yelp reviews are packed full of juicy drama.

I don't really like Yelp. I'd rather go into a place chosen at random and roll those dice rather than make an informed decision. I consider this to be more fun but I understand why not everyone is up for that.

You want to know if the food is bad or the servers are mean.  It's never been easier to just open your phone, pop the app open and see if you are about to have the worst dinner of your life. So why deal with that if you can avoid it?

I'll tell you why. So later, you can go on the internet and complain. Just make sure your complaints are true before you publish them because the owner will find you, and will call you out. 

1. I'll listen to my gut over your experience!

Satisfying watch repair burn from YelpDrama

2. The real issue is the stench.

The post that started it from YelpDrama

3. How icky.

Ewww! A gay waiter! from YelpDrama

4. Now you have the whole story.

It's all in the details.

5. You are a terrible liar.

User writes 1 star review for competing restaurant from YelpDrama

6. Sounds like a good time though.

Local coffee shop starts off rebuttal making fun of reviewer’s drink order

7. We're all rooting for you two.

Yelp review that had me rooting for their friendship from YelpDrama

8. Isn't food the most important part?

As long as he would come back... from YelpDrama

9. Get it together, Bjorn.

Another PAINTBALL fairly tale from YelpDrama

10. Injustice!

Spoiled woman throws tantrum over sprinkles on Yelp from facepalm

11. Yeah, this didn't happen.

Yelp review from facepalm

12. You are just the middleman!

Corporate facepalm

13. You're in the wrong spot.

People who leave reviews on the Yelp app, instead of inside the Yelp app.

14. I'm not a mind reader...

So I was reading psychic reviews on Yelp from facepalm

15. Wrong account, bro.

Local bar owner attempts to post anonymous yelp review. Tweets from bar's account instead from facepalm

16. You may not want your home address out there like that.

Idiot posts their address in a yelp review

17. Never believe people.

Woman Leaves Pissed Off Yelp Review, Owner Responds...

18. Who hurt you?

Best. Yelp. Review. Ever.

19. Know what you are getting in for.

Dive bar responds to hilariously bad Yelp reviews

20. There is a solid analogy at the end.

Woman Leaves Pissed Off Yelp Review, Owner Responds...

21. Sounds like they are in the wrong business.

I think I stumbled on the Internet's greatest Yelp review.

22. Sure.

Sickest yelp review ever from TalesFromYourServer


Aldo Pusey

Update: 2024-08-11